Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Ini Satu Cerita...

As i promised in the last blog...here are the continuous of the story mory which i wanna share with...Lets start wif the story where i n pae went out on sunday n berjimba ramba kat seremban...As usual lah kan..mesti soru dulu kat port beselah,of course la McD...then g layan wayang tgk cite yg sengal tahap gaban...pastu g karok sebelum kirorg dismiss.Hehehee...Ape pon i enjoyed my self on that day...Pastu on the next day...g plak shah alam amik pic konvo...Pastu g makan..pastu g le jln2 kat kecik kat shah alam tu...Pastu jumpe plak ngan 3 budak hitam gems...lepak2,gosip2 n makan + minum...pastu g wat site visit tmpat pektikal gems aku...Huhuhu...horor giler aku rase tmpt tuh...Pastu baru la balik...Uwaaa...Mmg penat giler seh...Hehehehe...Tu jelah ceritenye...Daaaa....
Tgh tgu placement pektikal yg baru...Akutnye...