Monday, February 2, 2009

Jalan2 Cari,,,

Today is monday, Feb 2nd 2009,,,i went out to town only a small town,,,semban ni jeh,bukan gi mane pon,hihiihihii...and the only reason aku kuar rini nak tolong 1 of my fren which will be start her career starting from tomorrow onwards to find her office...huhuhuhu...selain tu ade gak nak pulangkan barang kat die...kirenye rini aku kuar de arah tujuan lah gak,,,xde lah nk kuar x tentu pasal,,,tolong menolong sesama kengkawan, pe de hal jah!!!!hmmm,,,pastu dah penat berjalan-jalan kat semban tu cari opis member aku neh,,,eh,jap,chop,twitt,,, sebelum memulakan misi jejak opis kat semban,kene soru beb!!!thanx to my fren neh,coz willing to buy my meal during the lunch time,,,syukran3,,,sape die my fren neh,bile die bace my blog ni, die tau lah sape,,,ahakssss,,,ok,lets continue the story agains,,,after have a visit to the office,,,wat to do???nak balik awal lagik...aaahhaaa!!!!jeng3,,,kitorg decide nk layan cite wayang,,,tapi cite ape nk nengok n nak dilayan neh???usha nye usha nye usha,,,kitorang decide nk tgk cite lakonan Nabil Raja Lawak n Apek...iaitu Sifu & Tongga...mmg klakar lah cite neh,aku gelak smpai kuar2 air mate n smpai sakit perut seh...yg klakar nye si nabil tulah,,,hehehe...abes layan wayang,,,ronde2 Terminal 1 tu,,,kol 5 ptg kitorang berpisah(isk3,sedey plak) membawa haluan masing2 pulang ke rumah....itulah sahaje cerite untuk be continued...


Anonymous said...

jah...blanja aku jugak... =p